This is not about selling my photographs. It's about growing as an artist; it's about talking with you - whoever and how many "you" turn out to be - about what goes into my photography. It's about the stories behind the pictures. It's about the journey.
I hope you'll come along on that journey. Tell me what you think about my pictures, about my stories; help me to learn to be a better photographer and a better artist.
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Sunset Grazing |
But back to the photo: I came upon this horse grazing in a field on one of our evening walks on an early November day in 2005. There was still some color in the trees and the sun was setting just behind a line of trees, making the light more golden than usual. That light limned the horses tail and mane and gave the whole scene a wonderful, warm glow. I walked back and forth a couple of times to get just the right mix of highlights, color in the trees and just a bit of sun flare and took about 4 shots.
For the final picture, I cropped from landscape to portrait, putting the horse near one of the rule of thirds intersections and then adjusted exposure, color and saturation in Photoshop Elements. This was shot in aperture priority at 1/160 sec, f 3.2, ISO 200.
While I was careful about setting up the shot, the important part of this story is that I came upon this beautiful scene and I had my camera with me. It's a lesson I continually have to relearn: take my camera with me no matter where I go and no matter how many times I've gone to that same place. And so there are still so many times the I've missed some really great pictures because I don't have my camera. My next post will be about the shot I missed because I didn't have my camera.